What are the great moments of your life?​

“We are conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments. But great moments often catch us unaware–beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.” – Joe Loftus Life is not all about accomplishing big things or...

Sports Photography: Decisions, Decisions…

An emphasis of this sports photography course will be recognition of the many decisions that must be made for each event photographed, and the implications, good and bad, of each of these decisions. Gymnastics is one of my favorite sports to photograph (for reasons...

Supermoon Over Mt. Whitney

The supermoon phenomenon occurs whatever the moon is simultaneously full and at its perigee, or its closest point to earth, during its monthly orbit. The supermoon in May, 2012, was one such case. I suspected it might be possible to create an image of it setting over...


Recently I had a great opportunity to photograph the Bellevue Ballet in Seattle for the PIX 2015 conference. Lee Varis and I set up a full length background, completely equipped with Phottix Indra lights and shot 1000 images over 2 full days with the Fuji XT-1 and the...

Try Different Angles with Your Portraits!

By BPSOP Instructor: Scott Stulberg Way too often, portraits are shot from right in front of your subject. And for good reason….. as it usually gets the best perspective of your subject. But not often enough do we think of capturing them from another perspective. You...

Find the Light & Take Your Pet Photography to the Next Level!

Jill Flynn’s Pet Photography course will show you how to use light, perspective, the environment, composition, color and mood to create compelling and beautiful pet portraits. Capturing the personality and spirit of a pet with a touch of artistry is key to creating...
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