Creating Compelling Compositions
Creating Compelling Compositions
09COMP21 LS1

Take Lesson
09COMP21 LS2

Take Lesson
09COMP21 LS3

Take Lesson
09COMP21 LS4

Take Lesson
Have you ever wondered why some pictures are more appealing than others? What is it that makes a photo “work”, or “not work”?
Have you ever wondered why some photographers consistently win the praises of judges and critics, and editors?
Snapshots may be well composed at times, but most outstanding images are created by paying careful attention to composition. How do you create a picture? First you must learn the guidelines for good composition. This means arranging the elements of a scene in your camera’s viewfinder so they form something visually interesting to look at; something that will hold the attention of the viewer and take their eye on a journey around the frame.
One of the main reasons why some pictures are more outstanding than others is because of their strong composition. That’s what this class is all about. You will learn how careful composition can improve your photographs and make them much more visually appealing.
Composition is the choice and placement of various elements in a photograph, and how they are placed relative to each other and the frame. It is somewhat like a puzzle with all the different pieces demanding your attention. If you arrange all those pieces in the right order you’ll end up with well organized, structured image that makes sense, looks good and makes viewers want to linger. But if you put them together any old way, the end result will be a confused collection of colors, shapes, and pieces that are difficult to appreciate. The arrangement of the elements is a key factor in expressing your subject, your message, your emotion and story-telling of an image. Small changes in design can have a significant effect on the appearance of the resulting image, and careful thought should always be given to composing your image before you click that shutter. Good composition can seem a little bit like magic sometimes, but it can be learned and is an expression of your natural sense of design. This class will help you create images to express your artistic vision and produce outstanding, magical images.

Course Outline:
- Using the “Rule of Thirds”.
- Choosing between a vertical and horizontal format.
- Understanding horizons.
- Filling the frame.
- Composing in the viewfinder.
- Using leading lines.
- The power of diagonals.
- ‘S’ and ‘C’ curves
- Power shapes.
- The use of odd numbers.
- Using frames to enhance composition.
- Using negative space and giving subjects room to move.
- KISS (Keep it simple silly).
- The importance of backgrounds.
- Lens choice and use of focal length to influence backgrounds.
- Using aperture to control backgrounds.
- Checking for distracting elements (Border Patrol).
- Breaking the rules.
Course Requirement:
A working knowledge of aperture and shutter speed and a desire to create dynamic photographic compositions. Suggested but not required: tripod, assorted lenses such as wide angle, standard and telephoto zoom, and macro lens.
Course Requirement:
The only requirements you need for this class is a good working knowledge of your camera, and be able to shoot on the manual setting.
Instructor: Donna Eaton