iPhone Photography

Course Start:
Instructor: Holly Higbee-Jansen Duration: 4 Weeks Cost: US$129

In this class, we will introduce you to the magic of iPhone photography using several shooting and editing apps that will give you the ability to make your pictures sing in a fun and easy way.

You will learn how to crop, change saturation, brightness and affect the overall look of your pictures with HDR, drama and grunge filters and other techniques. You will be amazed at the simple and effective methods.

We will show you simple blending and multiple layering techniques while discovering how to create an artistic vision of your photograph. All of this creative photographic processes can be completed in minutes once you are familiar with your favorite apps.

And most of all, you will get the opportunity to have fun, go crazy and experiment with this great camera that is always with you!

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to the iphone Camera and Apps
In the first week you will learn how to use the native iPhone camera and set up the various processing apps to learn the basics of iPhone Photography. We will talk about editing apps to crop, rotate, frame and even grunge your images. We will discuss the various capabilities of the apps and when to use them.

Week 2: Vintage apps and Editing apps
This week we will be introducing you to some fun vintage apps that have a variety of “lenses” and “films”. We will show you a few ‘just for fun’ techniques to mix things up and show you the essential editing techniques to make your pictures pop. Then, we will show you how to add frames of varying sizes and colors to your images.

Week 3: Advanced Texture and Layering Technique
We will be playing with several apps that allow you to blend pictures together for some fun and surprising effects. We will also experiment with different textures and multiple exposure apps.

Week 4: Bringing it All Together
On our final week we will talk about blending modes and watercolor apps, the more advanced techniques in iPhoneography. We will also spend time this week playing with some fun video apps and social sharing. We will also be talking about websites that will continue to inspire your creativity with the iPhone and the importance of watermarking your images online.

Course Requirements: 
  • Current iPhone or earlier model, or an iPad. Some apps work differently on various models. All models welcome!
  • Ability and willingness to purchase required apps. Some are free, others priced under $20, some require a yearly subscription. There are approximately 10 apps used in class. You aren’t required to purchase the apps if you don’t want to use them.
  • Desire to learn and have fun!

Instructor: Holly Higbee-Jansen

Holly Jansen is a photographer, workshop leader, blogger, and speaker who enjoys teaching photography and the creative process.

Holly has worked in creative fields all her life. Her passion for art, photography and design started as a young girl when her family attended photography workshops with Ansel Adams in Yosemite National Park. Their conversations around the dinner table were about image composition and where their next photographic adventure would be.

Over the years, Holly began showing her photography in local art shows and galleries and sold it for use in numerous design projects.

Since 2006, Holly and her husband Mark taught group and private photographic workshops offering beginning to advanced landscape photographers the tools they needed to capture the beauty of amazing natural locations throughout California, the American West, and Iceland.

See Holly’s website for more information on her private and online classes.


Student Testimonials: 

“Can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed the class.  Up until now I’ve carried my Canon EOS 80D wherever I go and only rarely shot with my iPhone.  But thanks to you I’ve discovered a wonderful world of options and now have great fun playing with my iPhone. It’s definitely addictive!  Many thanks for your generosity with your time, your patience, and introducing me to this exciting new photography tool. ” 

 All the best,



“I just wanted to say thanks for all the information and critiques on the iPhone class. Very helpful, and lots of fun to learn about all the post processing we can do right on our phone. I am glad to learn how to use that “camera we always have with us”. I can think of many times in the past when I wish I knew about Camera +. And now I have many other options too!”  
Thanks again,
Laurie E.  – Ojai, CA


“I have to say that class was awesome. I have been shooting, lets call it event photography with my
phone at our local bars shooting our favorite local bands. Everyone loves the images I now create and I am displaying some at our local Art Show. Thank you again for this class!!!! I hope you teach another one, maybe part two!”

Paul C. – Brooklyn, NY

To Learn more about how our courses work please visit: Course Info

“I just wanted to thank you for another wonderful class. I have to confess that each week when I read the new assignment, my first reaction was mild panic and a deep certainty that I would not be able to produce anything worthwhile that fit within the parameters you had set. But before I knew it, the ideas started to flow, and I quickly became obsessed (no, that isn’t too strong a word!) with exploring the possibilities. I can honestly say that the photos I produced in response to your assignments are among my favorites. Thanks for bringing out a creative side I didn’t know I had!”

Barbara Geiger
Understanding Color

“Thank you so very much for this course! It’s allowed me to take the blinders off and present my images for what I want them to be without being a slave to the “reality” of the camera. I would also add that in conjunction with your printing course, this has been the most useful course I’ve ever taken. Your notes are more than comprehensive and your comments and critiques are direct, clear, and always directed to the improvement of the art.”

After the click

” I want to thank you for this class and for your patience and availability to answer all of my questions. I have learned very much through this class. I have used LR in the past, but mostly for editing images. I now have a better grasp in the organization of my images, an even better understanding of editing images, and an understanding of the value of presets. I still have a lot to learn, but this has put me on the road to be able to improve my photography. Again, thank you! ”

Dale Yates
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