Understanding Close-Up Photography

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    Understanding Close-Up Photography

    understanding close up photography with or without a macro lens This is our first ever photography class devoted exclusively to the world of close-up photography. Your instructor for this course, Bryan F Peterson, will take every student on an adventure filled eye-popping journey into the world of CLOSE-UP photography with and without a macro lens! This class will quickly debunk the myth that close-up photography is solely about flowers, bees and butterflies.

    Of course no close-up photography class would be complete without exploring these topics, but this course goes way beyond these common subjects and exposes you to many other close-up subjects that will have you soon exclaiming, “Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?”

    Based in part on Bryan’s close-up book, Understanding Close-up Photography, (available everywhere books are sold) this class explores the close-up and intimate vision found not only with the macro lenses, but also with the wide-angle lenses, including the fish-eye as well as the telephoto and of course the plethora of close-up/macro accessories that one has at their disposal to aid in getting close to the subject; extension tubes, close-up filters, reversing rings, focusing rails, bellows and even ring flashes. Additionally you will discover a real cheap in home set-up for making shadow-less portraits of any subject you may wish to shoot close-up as well as make the discovery that your own home is a virtual gold mine for ‘mining’ truly compelling photographs. This 4-week course is loaded with an extreme amount of close-up photography tips and techniques.

    This course will not only change your mind about WHAT subjects make a great close-up opportunity but it will also change your style and approach to picture making in general as you soon realize just how many intimate and close encounters await you at every turn-no matter what lenses you may have in your bag.


    Course Requirement:
    A digital or film camera with full manual exposure mode. Basic macro gear required e.g. ext tubes and/or Close-up Filters and/or 60mm, 100mm, 105mm, 180mm or 200mm Macro lens.


    Bryan Peterson

    bryanBryan has been a photographer for over 30 years and teaching photography for 20 years. He brings a unique teaching style to the school which will guarantee creative and fun learning by all photographers while elevating them to new photographic heights that they only have dreamed of. In addition, Bryan is the author of such best selling books as Understanding Exposure, Understanding Shutter Speed, Beyond Portraiture: Creative People Photography, and Learning to See Creatively.bryan peterson

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    Instructor: Chris Hurtt

     chris hurtt Chris Hurtt is a San Francisco based freelance photographer. His photography career took off when he met and started assisting world-renowned photographer Bryan Peterson on commercial assignments all over the world. Since working with Bryan, Chris has built a successful commercial business of his own shooting for clients such as Pillar Data Inc, Infinera Corp, RN Estate Winery, and The Environmental Protection Agency to name a few. Chris is also an instructor at BPSOP.com where his down to earth explanations of all things photographic have resulted in him accepting invitations to teach in person in Asia, the Middle East, North America, and all over Europe.For further information, please visit his website: www.ChrisLHurtt.com.

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