by Holly Higbee - Jansen | Mar 12, 2018 | Blog
As a landscape and travel photographer, it is important to be able to track where you have traveled and exactly where a specific picture was taken. Sound complicated? Well, not really if you have a smartphone and a digital SLR. We recently returned from giving Joe Baraban | Mar 2, 2018 | Blog
I’m guessing that most of you have heard this saying, but how many know its origin? There have been films with this title, numerous songs sung by an assortment of people, and even a game show, but it was originally a slogan made up for a pedestrian safety campaign Brit Hammer | Feb 25, 2018 | Blog
This post is one in a series on how to create a sense of place. CASE STUDY: AFTERNOON SNACK Next time you’re taking photos on holiday or during a celebration, include detail shots to flesh out your story. Details shots, when added together with photos Joe Baraban | Feb 16, 2018 | Blog
Yes you’re reading that right..while the sun doesn’t shine not while the sun does shine. The original expression is an idiom that’s been around for a long time. Basically, it means to grab an opportunity when the time and conditions are perfect. In my online classes...BPSOP is dedicated to bringing you the best online photography learning experience. We have gathered some of the top photographers in their respected areas and brought them together here for you. If there is anything that would make your online learning experience better just let us know.