My Favorite Quotes: Henri Matisse

I’ve enjoyed writing for this category for some time, the first one going back three years. As my fellow photographers that follow my blog know, I don’t limit these quotes to just photographers. Artists of all types and genres are my sources, and as long as their...

Life Before Photoshop: GATX

I can tell you from lots of experience that the glory days of advertising yielded some pretty far-fetched campaigns; some of them made me laugh out loud when I was sent a rough layout of what the art director wanted me to shoot. The process of getting the final...

PHOTOGRAPHY TIP: The Difference In Aperture

So one of the more commonly misunderstood techniques is what to set your aperture when using a telephoto lens. More often then not, I always use a wide-open aperture or simply put, the lowest aperture my lens will go when using a telephoto lens (which is usually my...

Lensbaby Velvet 56 or 85?

I’ve been getting lots of questions about the new Lensbaby Velvet 85, and many of them have to do with the difference between the Velvet 56 and the new model. Some people want to know which to choose, while others who already own the Velvet 56 want to know if...
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