by Kathleen Clemons | Feb 13, 2018 | Blog
I recently wrote an article for Landscape Photography Magazine entitled, “What If”? You can see the article here. It’s really about being unafraid to try new things in your photography and to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Here is the Brit Hammer | Feb 6, 2018 | Blog
This is one post in a series on how to create a sense of place. CASE STUDY: TEATIME AT A CHARMING HOTEL Next time you’re taking photos on holiday or during a celebration, include detail shots to flesh out your story. When added together with photos of people, Joe Baraban | Jan 18, 2018 | Blog
Several months ago, right before the total solar eclipse, I was listening to a piece on CBS Sunday Morning. Btw, it’s one of the best programs on TV. They were talking about the word Umbraphile which literally means a “shadow lover”, but when properly applied it Holly Higbee - Jansen | Jan 15, 2018 | Blog
Did you get a shiny new camera for Christmas and you are spending a lot of time learning the camera? Maybe you are getting up early to shoot at just the right location, in just the right light thinking you are going to be the next Ansel Adams. How is that working Brit Hammer | Dec 22, 2017 | Blog
This post is the first in a series on how to create a sense of place. CASE STUDY: RELAXING AT A SEASIDE RESORT Next time you’re taking photos on holiday or during a celebration, include detail shots to flesh out your story. When added together with photos of...BPSOP is dedicated to bringing you the best online photography learning experience. We have gathered some of the top photographers in their respected areas and brought them together here for you. If there is anything that would make your online learning experience better just let us know.