
Quick Photo Tip: Turn Your Photo Upside Down

Closing in on fifty years of taking pictures, I can turn the composition I’ve created in the viewfinder upside-down in my mind, without having to physically rotate my  camera to see my photo inverted on the display. So, you’re probably asking yourself why in the world...

Backlight & Silhouettes

There was a time on Inle Lake, Myanmar where the fishermen really did use cone-shaped nets you and where they did in fact move around their long narrow boats in a somewhat acrobatic fashion, but today that ‘old way’ of fishing has been exchanged for the much wider...

Sometimes the Magic Works

Sometimes the magic works. On this dark, somber windy morning in Vik, Iceland, the weather and light opened the door to motion-filled opportunities i.e. slow shutter speeds such as 1/2 and 1/4 second were readily available, particularly with low ISO’s and small...

Creating a sense of place: Case Study #11

This post is one in a series on how to create a sense of place.   CASE STUDY: VIEWS INSIDE A NATURE RESERVE Next time you’re taking photos on holiday or during a celebration, include detail shots to flesh out your story. Details shots, when added together with...

Choosing Your White Balance

Having the option to change/choose the WB, at ant given moment is probably my second most liked feature of shooting digitally. (Changing ISO, from one shot to the next if I desire, is my favorite feature; this coming of course from a guy who shot film for 30+ years.)...

Find beauty all around you

Beauty is everywhere, but can you see it? "Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams." - Ashley Smith  ...

Like a Moth to a Flame

Food For Digital Thought: Like a Moth to a Flame For those of you that follow my blog, you’ll know that I put a lot of time into writing about the Light. You’ll also know that I always will say that Light is everything, unless you’re out street shooting and capturing...

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