
Creating strong images is often more about what you choose to exclude from your compositions than what you include.  Extraneous objects, distracting bright spots, or other visual detritus rarely add anything to what you are trying to say visually.  All elements of...

Are You Over Processing Your Images?

“Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.”  – Ansel Adams Ansel Adams embraced post-processing in the darkroom by dodging and burning (making adjustments that affect both light and dark areas of the...

Quick Photo Tip: Light, A Little Dab Will Do Ya

I love the light, plain and simple, and I’m a firm believer in one of my favorite phrases, “You find the light and you’ll find the shot”. I’ve been following this self-appointed rule for as long as I can remember and it has served me well. One of my favorite ways to...

Using exposure compensation

This is an excerpt from Photography Essentials, taught by Brit Hammer. What is exposure? Having the “correct” exposure means your image is neither too light nor too dark. When shooting in aperture priority mode the camera chooses the settings to create the correct...
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