Dive into summer with Finding Beauty
In Brit Hammer’s course Finding Beauty your images will get simplified. Decluttered. Quiet. Your compositions will get stronger, too. And what photographer doesn’t want great images? Eliminate the unnecessary Hans Hofmann (1880 – 1966) was an influential...
Enhance your photography with minimalism
The Art of Minimalism Minimalism. That’s the secret sauce that instructor Brit Hammer teaches in her popular class Finding Beauty. It may sound counter-intuitive that less is more, but it really is. (Read on to get a taste of the course.) Simplicity —...
My Favorite Quotes: Anonymous
I’ve been trying now for a while today, trying to locate the author of one of my favorite quotes, “Don’t let the low hanging fruit keep you from your goal”. Nowhere on the information highway does it mention it. However, I did find an article that in a matter of...
Adding radiance/glow to your image with Linear Light layer blending mode
This article is the second one in my layer mode series tutorials, last time I demonstrated Hard Mix blending mode, and today I will show you a practical way to use Linear Light layer blending mode combined with Gaussian Blur to achieve a glowing/radiance effect on the...