Embrace Contrast
(Adapted from my eBook, “Twelve Ways to Improve Your Photography”. Available free, here.) When most photographers think of “contrast”, they think of differences between light and dark. But there are many more forms of contrast than just “tonal contrast”. There are...
Mastering the Art of “Less is More”
Creative Use of Negative Space for Impactful Photo The area of a photograph that is not taken up by the subject(s) is known as negative space. It can also be called “empty space” or “white space,” and it has a big influence on the balance of...
Create Depth
Create Depth – For More Engaging Images Photography is a two-dimensional medium desperately trying to represent a three-dimensional world. Without some help from us, it often fails. We view the world with two eyes rather than one, so a sense of three...
Ask Better Questions
Ask better questions. This post is adapted from material in my Free eBook, “Twelve Ways to Improve Your Photography, without spending a cent”, available on my website (pacificLIGHT.ca), or by clicking here “Would you use an 85mm lens or something else, for this?”...