The Power of Triadic Colour
Unless you’re a dedicated B&W photographer, colour represents a powerful part of any image you create. Colour evokes emotional responses in our viewers. Blue, the colour of the sky and sea can invoke feelings of calm and tranquility, yellow and orange: vitality...
The power of intersecting masks in Adobe Lightroom
Masking in Adobe Lightroom Classic CC used to be very basic and rudimental. However, with the latest updates with some Artificial Intelligence, the masking tool in Lightroom becomes a lot more powerful and easy to use. Here is an example: This is one of my images I...
The Power of Mood
Our best images are much more than simply good composition in good light. Our best images are successful because they evoke an emotional response in our viewers; transporting them back to a place and time, allowing them to experience a moment in the same way we did as...
Starting your RAW workflow with Lightroom/Camera RAW Profile Browser
During my on-location photography workshops, I teach post processing at downtime when we are not shooting. An interesting observation is that lots of students jump straight into Adobe Lightroom Classic CC or Camera Raw basic panel to edit the tones, white balance of...